Member-only story
The No-Spend Month
Taking consumerism to a new low.
If only I had a cool VW bus piggy bank to collect my money in this month…
Well, I could go buy myself a Volkswagon bus piggy bank, but that would be precisely against the point.
That’s because his month I am challenging myself to a no-spend month.
Yes, this is a little different than what I usually write about here. But it also revolves around a topic that I think is super important, and it’s a way to keep myself accountable.
I’ve realized in recent years — particularly since the start of the pandemic — that my consumerism has catapulted to new heights. When there’s not much to do outside in the world, online shopping is, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), always something to do. Despite the fact that I have five perfectly good sweatshirts to wear while lounging (or working) at home, I need another one. Despite having too many pairs of socks to count, I need a new set of Scandinavian wool socks. Recently, I’ve been starting to question myself when these thoughts go through my head, and I’m beginning to fully recognize that my spending habits have gotten a little bit crazy.
While I know that this is entirely my own fault, I also understand that my mindset around spending is in part driven by American…